Philip Henderson

Benefits of body massage therapy

Massage therapy has many benefits. It can improve circulation and immune function. Massage increases blood flow and circulation. These include the respiratory, lymphatic and cardiovascular systems. The lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump, while the heart creates pressure to push

For children, dental care tips

During their visit, your child’s pediatric dentist might mention flossing or brushing. It can be difficult to get your child to brush and floss their teeth. Here are some ways to teach your child how to brush their teeth and

Medical Care for Disabled People

It left the less fortunate out in the cold. Many thousands of people were left without care and suffering unnecessarily. Today, medical technology is advanced and services are available for those with disabilities. You shouldn’t be afraid to seek out …

How to Care for Disabled People

A disability can make it more difficult to perform basic household chores. It can also cause feelings of overburdening and anger. Taking care of a disabled person is an effort that requires enormous energy and patience. Even those who are …